This project is an interactive command-line interface (CLI) integrated directly into my portfolio website. It provides a unique, engaging, and dynamic way for visitors to interact with my content, explore my skills, projects, education, and contact information. The CLI emulates a traditional terminal experience within the browser, enhancing the interactivity and user engagement on my portfolio.
I customized the appearance using CSS, adding animations for cursor blinking, content fading, and loading states, creating a visually appealing terminal environment. This interface is responsive and accessible, ensuring a seamless experience across different devices.
I built the CLI using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the jQuery Terminal library. The terminal interface supports various interactive commands:
projects: Automatically redirects users to my Projects page with a simulated loading message.
contact: Dynamically displays my email, LinkedIn profile, and phone number.
education: Lists my academic background clearly and interactively.
skills: Presents my technical and creative skills through a dynamic typing animation.
history/clearhistory: Allows users to view or clear previously entered commands during their session.
theme: Enables users to toggle between dark and light themes for comfortable viewing.
tour: Provides a guided introduction to using the CLI interface effectively.
ascii: Animates ASCII art to visually enhance user interaction.